petWALK used: Careful with cheap offers!

You are looking for a used petWALK door?

Every now and then we witness cheap offers from Ebay, Amazon, etc. that are not trustworthy at all. Be careful!

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petWALK used: Careful with cheap offers!

You are looking for a used petWALK door?

Every now and then we witness cheap offers from Ebay, Amazon, etc. that are not trustworthy at all. Be careful!

Who would ever give away their petWALK door? Within the last couple of years we’ve witnessed that offers for “used” doors provide zero credibility – that’s why you should never buy a “used” door from a private citizen through platforms such as Ebay, Amazon, etc.


The only reliable provider for used petWALK doors is..

…petWALK itself. Continue reading to find out why a door leaving our workshop is as good as new and contact us, if you’re interested in buying a door at a discount.

Why are used petWALK doors even a thing?

As you know, we provide our customers with a lot of services. One of them is our 30-day refund policy. Once in a while customers send back their petWALK doors within this time frame. This mostly happens when a customer wants to check the compatibility of their pets chip with our door. Since the functionality of implanted chips can’t be guaranteed and the chip itself sometimes sits at the wrong place, a few doors will find their way back to us with minimal traces of use

In very rare cases there will be items with an optical defect during the production, which is going to be sorted out. If a device is still within the time frame of a refund, it will be replaced as well. In that case we take back the entire unit for testing and replace the faulty parts with new ones.


PetWALK verified and in perfect condition

Just as brand new petWALK doors, the returned ones are going to be tested and are only being shipped in perfect technological condition. If needed, technological components will be replaced in order for the door to be up to date

Just as it is being done with cars, our doors can be inspected by a computer and tested for any kind of defects. All of its funtionalities are being checked, which is why you can be rest assured that you will receive a flawless device.

Riskfree - with a 1 year warranty

Because we are so confident in our products, you will receive a 1 year warranty with used items. Internally we call them “refurbished” doors. You are probably familiar with this term through laptops or phones. 

Since we can only give away a few used doors per year, we ask you to contact us if you’re interested. Our customer support will assist you in finding out, whether or not a “refurbished” door is available in your desired size. That way you will save around 25% compared to a new door.



We are here for you!

We are here for you!

+43 2635 66937 |

Ask our customer service team!

Any questions left? Turn to our free support for advice on any of our products. We are happy to answer all your questions via telephone or mail.

Receive detailed advice before making your purchase in order to find the petWALK door that best covers your needs. After all, every installation situation is individual and the requirements of our four-legged darlings can also vary.

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30 day risk free trial

You have the option to test the petWALK pet door with your cat or dog within 30 days before permanently installing it. We will explain how.

Warum ist petWALK so teuer?
Auch wenn sie am ersten Blick teuer erscheint, in jeder petWALK Türe stecken über 150 Einzelteile.
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16 Heizkosten-Spartipps
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Welches Zubehör?
Ob Tunnelset, Dekore oder Türkontakt – was davon brauchen Sie wirklich? Wir beraten Sie zu notwendigem und optionalem Zubehör.